I’m an economist working at the intersection of organizational economics, political economy, and law and economics. My work focuses on contracting practices, firm organization, organizational governance, and the implications of regulation and government programs for business organization and performance.
My research has appeared in such academic journals as Journal of Law and Economics, Managerial and Decision Economics, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Journal of Corporate Finance, Financial Review, The CPI Antitrust Journal, The Antitrust Bulletin, Entrepreneurial Business Law Journal, Energy, Journal of Wine Economics, Review of Agricultural Economics, and International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, . In addition to various book chapters, I co-edited The Elgar Companion to Transaction Cost Economics.
Current research projects include the effects of organizational ownership on managerial decision-making and firm performance, with specific application to franchise organizational structures, and performance; the various issues related to regulated public utilities.
I’m also engaged in projects studying the role of formal and informal institutional structures on agriculture, the environment, and the global food system; including working with the AGRO-GOVERNANCE Project funded by the Bulgarian National Science Foundation.
Most of my published and unpublished work is available at SSRN, Google Scholar, and ResearchGate. More details are available on my CV.