The Public Choice Society has issued a Call for Papers for their annual meetings March 10-12, 2016. The plenary speakers include Vernon Smith (Chapman Univ and 2002 economics Nobel laureate), Robert Cooter (UC Berkeley), David Levy (George Mason) and Sandra Peart (Richmond). If you’re not familiar with the Public Choice Society, their purpose statement reads:
The goal of the Society is to facilitate the exchange of research and ideas across disciplines in the social sciences, particularly economics, political science, sociology, law, and related fields. It started when scholars from all these groups became interested in the application of essentially economic methods to problems normally dealt with by political theorists. It has retained strong traces of economic methodology, but new and fruitful directions have developed that transcend the boundaries of any self-contained discipline.The Society meets annually to facilitate scholarly inquiry and exchange of ideas on the range of topics included in non-market decision making.
Paper proposals and early registration begin October 1. Proposals are due by December 1.